grit variantview

grit variantview is focused on investing in publicly traded equities in frontier markets. The inefficiencies in these markets favour actively managed portfolios. variantview applies a disciplined, long-term orientated, opportunistic value driven strategy seeking solid businesses that are trading at attractive prices relative to their intrinsic value.

grit variantview is focused on absolute returns whilst minimizing the permanent impairment of capital. We think the only benchmark worth considering is Grit’s multi-factor fund; for if the actively managed variantview cannot beat an algorithm then why spend scarce resources on active management?

The fund is currently closed and in ‘soft launch’ for a limited number of investors. We intend to change this once we feel confident that we can fully support our investment activities and when we have drummed up enough investor interest. We are preparing ourselves for the day we can invite you in.

 grit variantview factsheet


general partner grit capital ltd.
fund management arthur van der linden
steven de klerck
administrator t.b.d.
target audience when we feel ready we would like to offer our product qualified investors who adopt a value strategy and have an investment interest in a select group of globally listed equities and have an investment horizon of at least 5 years.
Geographic focus Asia: Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore
North America: US, Canada, Mexico
Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
potential assets under management (AUM): ≅ usd 150 million

 funds basic

A long only value portfolio based on the investment principles of Benjamin Graham.

        • Each company in the value portfolio has the minimal required fundamental safety margins.
        • The safety margins are defined based on the historical financial statements.
        • Multiyear holding periods.